Big Data, Patient Access to Medical Records and Healthcare Systems
The big data revolution is most certainly upon us. It is forever gaining momentum and hospitals and governments are struggling to stay even vaguely on top of things. That said, patients will very likely be the biggest beneficiary of the next wave of big data business applications.
Medical Data Key Statistics
1. More than 65% of data across the globe is non-digitised (or has yet been).
2. 68% of digitised data isn’t integrated or accessible across core systems.
3. 99% problem in delivering effective healthcare is in bad data, old data and no data.
The healthcare systems needs to focus on first overcoming the following:
1. Data Collection:Need to step up efficient data collection. Paper records need to be translated, inputted and digitized so that their users are satisfied that the digital record is complete and most importantly accurate
2. Provider + Government + Health Insurance Push: Need to reach consensus and build healthcare models on ubiquitous technologies whereby they can be accessed securely while offering broadest possible accessibility for doctors, nurses and hospital staff to access electronic medical records
Patient records and medical systems should rapidly move to remedy the inefficiencies associated with patient appointment scheduling, pre-registration for clinical trials, payment plans, share lab results, and access to their medical information. Each of these functions helps the patient become more involved in their care while eliminating costs associated with scheduling, sharing results and records, eligibility/security verification, collections and prescription renewal functions.
There is a need to connect redundant systems with appropriate channels however without a more holistic approach – this is a futile exercise.
Data first, technology second is emerging as the key approach for delivery of digital systems.