Top Recommended Reference Sites for all PM’s to regularly visit

Having your finger on the pulse and knowing what’s new and exciting in the world of digital is an invaluable asset. So how can you become the go-to person for knowing what’s going on in the world of digital? The answer is reading, and lots of it.

Below are a few suggestions for my favourite sites, blogs and insights. I commend any digital project manager to review my list below as I find it helpful in enabling me to be a better digital project manager.

Social Media Recommended Reference sites

SEO Reference sites

Information Architecture / UX Insights and Emerging Trends



Ad Industry

Inspiration & Innovation

To be a Digital Leader

You need to stay ahead of clients & competitors and proactively anticipate where market will be in years to come. In order to do this, you need to stay informed.

Digital Leadership is a critical success ingredient missing, in most organisations. Too often, “I’m so busy” is the excuse for not making time to do things that really matter.

My Advice – take the time to engage with your own set of reference sites that keep your skills up with the pace of the dynamic market we operate in

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