Business Benchmarking & Testing Services

    Testing is a continual process of monitoring, measuring and refinement. Have you got suitable testing procedures in place?

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    Business Benchmarking & Testing Services

    Importance of Testing

    Testing is a continual process of monitoring, measuring and refinement. Testing should not be considered a ‘one off’ activity but rather something that is regularly undertaken. Reference to business benchmarks Australia – such as Standards Australia should be sought to inform most appropriate testing regime.

    Digital Rehab would recommend that periodic testing be factored into any and all app projects. We recommend testing be performed quarterly. 

    What is Benchmarking

    Benchmarking is the act of comparing one’s own business (processes, systems, sales and performance) with another. Benchmarking is a valuable activity for businesses to again a leading edge over a competitor(s).

    Benchmarking enables a business to determine, study and learn from the best firms in their respective industry or others. This way, superior processes, systems, people can be adopted to increase overall performance. Industry benchmarking can reveal considerable market intelligence which can help shape online marketing activities, pricing strategy and after sales service.

    Digital Rehab incorporates both business and industry benchmarks into our Digital Strategy and often refers to best practice when scoping projects, defining & designing them.

    Need Expert help? Looking for digital project managers, strategists or marketers? Speak to us!

    There is a better way

    The old adage of 'bigger is better' could not be further from the truth nowadays.

    Organisations need to look for the brightest and you don't find them in big four consulting firms - Deloitte, Ernst Young, KPMG & PwC.

    Rather, you find them in entrepreneurial circles, where innovation, technological advancement and excellence is a way of life, not just something paid lip service.

    Digital talent comes from having a perspective on where we have come from, where we are currently and what the future will hold. Digital Rehab has first hand knowledge that few do & that's what makes us different.

      Business Benchmarking & Testing Services

      Testing is a continual process of monitoring, measuring and refinement. Have you got suitable testing procedures in place?

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